Our estimated delivery dates are based on several factors, including the destination address, how quickly we can assemble and prepare your items for shipment, weather, and so on. You can calculate the estimated delivery time based on the processing time of your order.

Total Delivery Time = Processing Time + Shipping Time

  • Processing time is the time from receiving your order to physically dispatching it. After receiving your order, we conduct strict Quality Control inspections and tests to ensure the product's quality prior to shipment to meet your satisfaction. The total processing time varies depending on the complexity, design, and size of the specific product. Larger orders will usually take longer. It normally takes 1-2 business days for us to process your order. However, please note that the processing time can also be affected by the stock status of individual items, the time of the year, national holidays, etc. If your order includes very popular items that are facing stock availability issues, then the order will take 5-10 business days to process and dispatch.
  • Shipping time  is estimated and commences from the date of shipping, rather than the date of order, and might take longer than expected due to invalid addresses or other causes.


Processing Time

Shipping Time

Shipping Fee

1-2 workdays

5-7 workdays

Free shipping.


About taxes

Our customers do not have to pay import duty, customs duty, or VAT (additional taxes).

Our courier logistics shipping method is SF and Yuntu

“18-Day Undelivered Free” Service Guarantee

At HOBIBEAR, we value your shopping experience and brand satisfaction. That's why we have introduced our "18 Days Free Returns" service guarantee. Below is a detailed description and terms of this service:

  • Countries covered: USA, France, Australia, UK, Germany, Spain.
  • SERVICE DETAILS: If your order is not delivered to your address within 18 business days from the date you place your order, we will provide you with a free re-order service and you do not need to return your order. Exceptions (The following situations are not covered by the "18 days free delivery" service guarantee: Logistics attempts to deliver but fail.

Logistics attempted delivery but failed.

Local strikes, force majeure factors such as natural disasters (e.g. storms, floods, earthquakes), holidays, wars, civil unrest, government actions or any other events beyond our control.

Brand-specific sales events, such as pre-sales, major promotions, etc., if it is clearly stated on the page that they are not covered by the Service.

If you request a change in shipping address or other order information, 18 days will be counted from the date of the change.

We are committed to providing you with an excellent shopping experience and efficient internal operational services. Thank you for your support and trust.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this delay and thank you for your patience. If you have any additional questions, please contact our customer service department.

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